Rose de Mai has a long and revered aromatic history in the Grass region and was one of the main aromatic essences distilled and extracted there along with Jasmine, Tuberose, Violet, Neroli and Mimosa. In that special Mediterranean environment all the natural elements were found to grow Rose de Mai to perfection. Even today, though the land devoted to its cultivation is greatly reduced from the golden era in the late 19th and early 20th century, Rose de Mai Absolute of France is considered the finest in the world.
Rose fossils prove that they preceded the existence of mankind. The cultivation of the shrub dates back to the 5th century in China, Asia and the Mediterranean. Valued for over centuries for its soothing scent, rose oil is one of the most difficult to extract from rose petals-about thirty roses are needed to get one drop of oil and hence it is one of the most expensive essential oils in the world. Called “Rose de Mai” in French, the cabbage rose was a native of Europe. The species was recognized in the 16th century and is the most common and popular species of rose in India today.
Other mother plants of roses for reproduction and breeding of new varieties were imported in the 18th century from Holland and Belgium, where exterior trade with the Orient permitted the importation of new botanical roses from overseas.
It is used as a miscellaneous skin-conditioning agent and fragrance ingredient. It is famous for its positive effects on the nervous system, calming anxiety, lifting mood and instilling a feeling of well-being and refreshing the senses. It contains a lot of tannins, as well as a bitter principle, which possesses a more toning effect, which is helpful in tightening the skin, and used for skin enhancement by the cosmetics industry. It also has benefits for human health, and is used in aromatherapy, ayurveda and traditional Chinese Medicine. Rose De Mai has a tonic, regulating and cleansing effect on the uterus, eases stress, insomnia and tension. It also regulates the appetite and eases constipation and nausea, soothes irritated skin, provides tonic effect on the skin and an astringent effect on the capillaries, and promotes healing of wounds.
Rose De Mai Essential Oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. Avoid use in early pregnancy and do not take internally during pregnancy. Rose De Mai Oil blends well with Geranium, Jasmine, Clove, Palma Rosa, Patchouli, Chamomile, Ylang-ylang, Vanilla essential oils.
Uses:The Indian cabbage rose is a small, erect shrub that grows up to a height of 2 meters, and is pricklier than other varieties of the same genus. The scientific name, when translated means “rose of hundred petals” as a result of its full, cabbage-like appearance. The rose is usually in pale shades, such as of rich pink and soft white. The shrub needs ample circulation in the soil which in turn needs to have a pH of about 6.5, and minimum root competition from other plants.
The petal extracts of the cabbage rose have been proved to exhibit cardio-tonic properties; they strengthen the heart and tone it-hence proving to be beneficial for cardiac patients.
The extracts of the cabbage rose have been proved to have cyto-procective and anti-ulcer properties that help heal and soothe intestinal and peptic ulcers. The extracts also help relax the intestines and hence relieve pain.
Inflammatory diseases and afflictions can be helped by the intake of the infusion of petals (in a way that their essential oil is not lost).
Rose is essential in skin formulations not only because of its scent, but because of its antibacterial, antiseptic, and astringent properties.
As rose tones the liver, it is automatically a good skin care oil for all skin types but especially helping with dry skin, mature skin, wrinkles and broken capillaries. It improves poor circulation and instills a sense of love and self care that is very appropriate for creams, gels and lotions as well as bath melts and body butters.