Sandalwood Oil Mysore...

In the early 20th century, the Mysore Kingdom in India was one of the largest producers of sandalwood in the world. It was also one of the major exporters of the wood, most of which were exported to Europe. During the First World War, large reserves of sandalwood were left over because they could not be exported due to the war. In order to make good use of these reserves, Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar, the king of Mysore established the Government Soap Factory in Bangalore. This factory, which was set up in 1916, started manufacturing soaps under the brand-name Mysore sandal soap using sandalwood oil as the main ingredient. A factory to distill sandalwood oil from the wood was set up at Mysore in the same year.

Sandalwood is an evergreen, parasitic tree that burrows its roots into other trees. It can grow up to 9 meters (30 feet) high and has a brown-gray trunk, many smooth slender branches, leathery leaves and small pink-purple flowers.

It can take thirty to sixty years for a tree to reach full maturity, when it is cut and distilled and the yellowish wood is sold in thin scrapings. It is agreed that the best sandalwood oil is from Mysore in India. The documented use of the wood goes back 4000 years and caravans carrying this wood from India to Egypt, Greece and Rome were a familiar sight. Many temples were built from the wood and the Egyptians used the oil in embalming.

Once Sandalwood was used for making furniture and caskets, but as the tree is nearly extinct, it is only used for the distillation of oil. Because of the threat of total extinction, this oil is now very well controlled in India.

This is a tree grown in the forest. The Western Ghats forest region around Mysore had vast reserves of this exotic variety called Indian Sandalwood or Mysore Sandalwood. The used part of the tree is its wood. This is used for making many things like for carvings, paste and most importantly for making sandalwood oil. Sandalwood has mild yet pleasing aroma. Sandalwood is a slow growing tree and it takes many decades before it is harvested (by felling the tree).

Benefit & Uses:This relaxing oil has a harmonizing and calming effect which reduces tension and confusion and is ideal for use in depression, hectic daily lifestyles and states of fear, stress, nervous exhaustion, chronic illness and anxiety.

It is very useful for any chest complaints as it has a pronounced effect on the mucus membranes of both the pulmonary as well as genito-urinary tract - making it very effective for complaints of the urinary tract as well. Chronic chest infections, sore throats and dry coughs as well as bronchitis and asthma can benefit greatly from this oil, as well as cystitis and bladder infections, also helpful with sexual problems such as frigidity and impotence.

On the skin, sandalwood oil relieves itching and inflammation of the skin, and is most effective in relieving dehydrated skin-making it great for anti-ageing skincare and the astringent action has a great toning effect and is also used with great results in oily skin conditions and to prevent the skin from forming ugly scars and for fighting dry eczema.

Sandalwood has been used for centuries as a fragrance for toiletries, especially men’s toiletries.  The scent is exotic and seems to stay in the air.  The hue of sandalwood oil is a very light, golden yellow.  The best sandalwood oil is from Mysore, in India.

Sandalwood is much in demand as incense and has a calming effect during meditation. Swahra yoga recommends it for the union of the senses and Tantric yoga for the awakening of sexual energy. It is costly, but it has some extremely beneficial uses.  It works well on chest ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and coughing.


It works well at relieving cystitis, and is great for the skin.  It is also beneficial in aromatherapy for calming clarifying the mind and emotions. The therapeutic properties of sandalwood oil are bringing down fever and inflammation.  It is great for adding to washes to cleanse sick rooms and wounds.  It prevents diarrhea and vomiting by reducing the stomach and intestinal spasms that cause it. 

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