Cassia oleoresin is obtained by solvent extraction of inner bark of Cinnamum Cassia followed by dispersion in approved additives. Oleoresins are the true essence of spices representing their holistic character in terms of flavor, color and taste attributes. American Organics has a wide range of spice extracts including their enriched flavor / color or taste versions to meet the growing sophistication of the food processing industry and its diverse needs.
American Organics is investing in a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant for Super Critical (CO2, SCCO2) Extraction. Here green, environment-friendly isolates of the botanical are extracted by eliminating solvent residue and high temperature processing. These super critical extracts find exquisite application in premium food products, aromatherapy and perfumery.
CO2 extraction uses Carbon Dioxide gas for extraction. We use high purity CO2 (99.9%) food grade for extraction. No other solvent is used. CO2 extracts only Oil soluble components and is used under high pressure up to 450 bar (45 MPA). Temperatures are never more than 70 Degrees C and therefore the volatile components are not degraded or lost as in steam extraction. CO2 actually extracts the complete plant profile and gives the true taste and aromatic profile of the natural material.
Cassia oil is having a lot of good properties. This warm exotic oil is used more than just fragrant oil. Also known as Bastard Cinnamon and Chinese Cinnamon, Cassia has been used medicinally in China for several thousand years. In Exodus 30, 23, Moses was ordered to use both Cinnamon (Kinnamon) and Cassia (Qesia) together with Myrrh, Sweet Calamus and Olive Oil to produce a holy oil with which to anoint the Ark of the Covenant. Its first recorded use in China dates back to the Han Dynasty (200 BCE – 200 CE).
Benefit & Uses: Cassia is commercially grown for its aromatic bark which is used as a spice. Besides bark, cassia oil, cassia oleoresin and cassia buds are the important products of commerce obtained from this high valued evergreen tree spice. Cassia cinnamon has a tremendous potential in the spice industry in the manufacture of value added products. Cassia also has immense medicinal properties and is very much sought after by the pharmaceutical industry. It also forms a choice crop of the perfume industry to a limited extent. Chinese cassia has originated in China and is mainly cultivated commercially there. In India, no large scale cultivation of this tree spice exists at present. The germplasm repository of the Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut holds many valuable accessions of cassia that are being evaluated for their yield, quality and other parameters.
The dried inner bark of Chinese cassia is valued as a spice and medicine. For extraction of the bark, the main shoots are coppiced after three years of planting and the outer bitter epidermis is scrapped of with a blunt knife. The shoots are then ringed at 30-60 cm intervals and longitudinal cuts are made on the ringed portion and the bark is removed with the help of a curved spatula. The bark is shade dried for a day and then sun dried. The major use of cassia bark both as whole and ground forms is for flavoring foods and beverages.
Cassia oleoresin is extracted from the bark with organic solvents like acetone, etc. and the yield of oleoresin obtained from the bark ranges from 5-11 percent and contains about 66 percent volatile oil. Cassia oleoresin has similar applications as that of ground spice in the flavoring of processed foods.
Cassia oil due to its medicinal properties is used in preparation of medical formulations for fever, chills and for supporting the digestive system. Cassia is a bigger spice with a heavier flavor, generally applied for meat dishes. It is also used to treat diarrhea, nausea and flatulence.