Celery Seed Oleoresin...

Celery oleoresin is obtained by solvent extraction of the dry seeds of Apium graveolens of Indian origin. Oleoresins are derived from ripped seeds of Celery. This plant is cultivated worldwide and its volatile oil has strong aromatic flavor. Generally, Celery is known as Garden Celery, Small age or Wild Celery. Main constituents of Celery seed Oleoresins are d- limonene and sedanolides which are responsible for its characteristic flavors. It is greenish yellow in color and possesses strong flavor. Celery seed Oleoresin is soluble in various essential oils but insoluble in water.

Celery is an herbaceous annual or bionomical herb growing to a height of 60 to 90 cm. It has a shallow tape root system the stem is branched succulent and ridged. The leaflets are ovate to sub orbicular three lobs 2 -4.5cm. Long. The inflorescence is a compound umbel. The flowers are small and white the calyx teeth are absolute. Celery can be successfully, cultivated on all soils, except saline, alkaline, and water logged once, loamy soils are the best. Celery is sensitive to the extremes of soil reaction. A soil PH is around 5-7.

Celery follows by the same plant category as carrots, parsley, common fennel and caraway.  Celery Seed The cycle of the celery flavor began with the seed.  Celery root appears alike a big turnip, simply tastes more corresponding a cross between celery and jacamar.  Cultivated celery is better planted between Aug and Mar. Celery is thought to feature some anti-inflammatory activity and some varieties appear to have beneficial effects on schistosomiasis, a tropical parasitic infestation with a blood fluke. 

Benefit & Uses: Celery seed oleoresins act as aperitif, depurative, diuretic, galactagogue, hepatic and stomachic. It also aids in improving digestion and provides relaxing, cooling and calming effects to the body. Celery seed oleoresin is a good uterine stimulant and also helps in patients suffering from anxiety and stress. It helps in preventing urinary tract infection and helps in the fast removal of internal body toxins.

Celery oleoresin is extensively used as flavoring or spice. It is also used as stimulant, carminative, sedative and even in tonic. It is also used to flavor soft drinks and unpleasant medicament.

Celery seed oil is extensively used as spice for flavoring dishes. It is also used as sedative, carminative, stimulant, nerving and tonic. It is anti- oxidative and is also used in curing rheumatic diseases. It also helps in getting relief from spasms and phlegm.

Celery seeds are mainly used as a diuretic; these help clear toxins from the system, so are especially good for gout, where uric acid crystals collect in the joints, and arthritis. Infusions from the seeds are used for rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Diluting the essential oil is also effective for these conditions. The essential oil and oleoresin of celery seed are used as a flavoring or fragrance in liqueurs, perfumes, and cosmetics, such as soaps, creams, and lotions. Large amounts of the volatile oil can produce sedation and irritation that may be responsible for attributed antispasmodic properties. Celery juice from the whole, fresh plant is taken for joint and urinary tract inflammations, as well as for rheumatoid arthritis, cystitis, or arthritis, weak conditions, and nervous exhaustion. Root also acts as a bitter digestive remedy and liver stimulant. Root tinctures have been used as a diuretic in hypertension and urinary disorders, are a component in arthritic remedies or used as a kidney stimulant and cleanser.

Pregnant women should not use celery seed because it may uterine bleeding and cause muscle contractions in the uterus. People with active kidney inflammation should also avoid this herb. Active compounds in celery stems and seeds can cause the skin to become highly sensitive to UV rays. Do not apply the essential oil externally in bright sunshine, because bergapten in the seeds could increase photosensitivity. The volatile oil in quantity is toxic to the kidneys and so should not be used in kidney disorders. Allergic reactions are rare.

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