Juniper Berry Essential Oil...

Juniper Berry Essential Oil is steam distilled from only the berries of Juniperus communis bushes. Juniper Berry Essential Oil varies, significantly, from the regular Juniper, sometimes called Alpine, and it's important to know which one are considering.  The regular, or Alpine, Juniper, distilled from a combination of the twig, leaf, and berries, must be used with caution, and never by anyone with high blood pressure or kidney disorder, as it has a very powerful diuretic activity. Juniper Berry Essential Oil has a diuretic effect, as well, where it aids in fluid retention,...

German Bourbon Essential oil...

German Bourbon oil is one of the most important perfumery oils and is an important ingredient in all types of fragrances. It has a powerful, leafy-rose aroma with fruity, mint undertones. Bourbon oil, from the island of Reunion, is considered the finest grade, and has the best staying power. It is used in skin care products for both its fragrance and its toning, cleansing properties. The Bourbon has been considered to be the finest and most expensive geranium essential oil. Very strong, rose like odor with a high Citronellol content. Among its properties are analgesic, antidepressant, antise...